Saturday Jul 13, 2024
Computer Program ’Paints’ Molecules in Style of Dutch Artist, Traveling Science Center Stops in Granville
Scientists create a computer program that 'paints' the structure of molecules in the style of famous Dutch artist Piet Mondrian. The Illinois Natural History Survey Traveling Science Center is set to stop in Granville. Stay tuned for a fascinating blend of art and science, as well as exciting hands-on science experiences in your local area.
(00:00:00) Introduction
(00:00:40) Scientists create computer program that 'paints' the structure of molecules in the style of famous Dutch artist
(00:02:55) Illinois Natural History Survey Traveling Science Center set to stop in Granville
(00:05:18) Illinois Natural History Survey Traveling Science Center set to stop in Granville
(00:07:16) Illinois Natural History Survey Traveling Science Center set to stop in Granville